
TUESDAY TOOLS: Oprah, The Toolmaker

One of my favorite things Oprah did recently was award Zach Anner his OWN show.

In today's New York Times, Zach tells Tara Parker Pope how he stole Oprah's heart despite cerebral palsy, which confines him to a wheelchair.

In a sea of able-body contestants, Zach stood out. As the season progressed, like Clint Eastwood, he took down his opponents. Although he was a co-winner, to me, Zach was the last one standing.

His advice to parents with disabled children is applicable to us all:

"... Find the tools for that person to thrive and find what their true passions are ... "

So, Oprah became a toolmaker for Zach and his passions for filmmaking, travel, and comedy. If his show-winning promo reel is any indication of the quality of his upcoming OWN show, that will be some must-see TV. Nielsen count on me.

How have you been underestimated and ended up victorious?

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