
WEDNESDAY WAYSDOM: Rosie Pope, The "It" Mompreneur

How does a model become a neuroscientist become a New York City-based, maternity/early parenthood entrepreneur/philanthropist become a reality television star ... all while balancing wife and motherhood of two?

Well, if you watch Rosie Pope in action on Bravo's hit reality series Pregnant in Heels, you'll see why she's a master at her niche.

Here are my top 3 observations of her Wednesday Waysdom:

1. Have a very supportive husband.
Her husband, Daron told her that successful parenting is not a day-by-day, but a second-by-second responsibility.

2. Employ a staff with multiple talents.
Her Man Friday, LT, became the entertainment with his underground duo, Kiki Twins, when the event planner failed to secure a band. The guests loved it, and the client ended up with a great party.

3. Surprise your clients, by providing extra mile service.
To help a well-heeled client get that ultra-chic,first baby photo in the hospital, Rosie showed up to the new mom's bed with a couture dress and a glam squad.

As we make Pregnant in Heels our new "must-see TV" at 10PM EST on Tuesdays, how will you dazzle your clients?

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